a man who no matter what he did made you smile

Created by Angela 14 years ago
When i was little i looked up to my dad,he was everything i wanted to be,strong minded,whitty,good with us kids,tryed his best to make sure we felt loved and gave us what he could,which was more than enough, he was a very handy dad too have in whatever he tryed too do turned out good from his diy,decorating and would help anyone who needed it, his love for animals was something that rubbed off on me and the silly nicknames he called them all,also his love for music and films. As we all grew up he still was there to help with anything we needed advice on decorating diy and general day to day living,he was a tremendous help to myself ,always picked me up when i was low,even through all the pain and suffering he went through himself during all the years .he tryed so hard to go on day to day living without trying too show his own pain to us,he was very selfless like that. finally as he grew weaker and i made my promise to him that no matter what i would always be with him too see it through right to the end ,his battle with non hodgkins lymphoma was a heartwrenching one,which effected us all along the journey, even until the last moment of him being responsive he would still give us a wink or try too smile,i know he was scared ,and i could see that but i know he would of been very proud of the way we all cared for him ,dad passed away on june 25th 2009, that day we felt like our world had ended,but with time we remember all the great things he did for us and his amazing smile ,that gets me through the hard times knowing hes free from pain,no matter how long hes been gone i,ll never forget what hes given me i,m forever grateful too him